How the flow of your Council Meeting will proceed

  • Once you book your session, you will be sent some preliminary questions on a form to fill out and return.

  • We will set the date and time for our meeting. If you are having your session virtually, I will make some suggestions for preliminary work creating an intention altar in your space.

  • We will create an opening ceremony to begin with, either in person or with Zoom to set our intentions. I will guide you.

  • We will choose your Oracle cards

  • I will begin facilitating your interactive session and we will address your questions. I will guide you to access the wisdom within your own heart, and see what you truly desire, and how you can create an Enchanted Life for yourself by following your inner guidance.

  • We will complete with a closing ceremony.

  • You will receive a recording of your session along with some downloadable gifts and suggestions for following through, including a wonderful meditation.

  • Within three days you have the option of writing me any questions or comments for clarity or to expand upon your session and I will take 30 minutes to respond to you by email.

  • In person sessions include tea, snacks and garden breaks as needed.


This life transforming council meeting will be facilitated by Rhianne, who is the originator and master of this system. It is a fine tuned system that is highly intuitive, unique, magical and powerful. It is designed to be heart opening and allow a higher level of consciousness to come forth. One you book your session, I will contact you to set a time.

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Rhianne is a powerful women that has lived a rich and enchanted life. She brings all of her wisdom into everything she does. I was deeply touched by her Wise Women Counsel and how it invites us to find the wisdom within for clarity in any situation we might be facing or questing. I am blessed that our paths have crossed and you will be to when you have the opportunity to work with her or bring into your life one of her amazing, unique creations.
— Vera Lopez, International Sacred Site Tour Guide & Wise Woman Teacher
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